We are a small farm located in Arvada Colorado offering fresh seasonal produce through our CSA Program and at local farmer’s markets.   We do not use herbicides, pesticides, or synthetic chemical fertilizers.  Instead, we rely on compost and green manures to create healthy living soils, which with care, sustain vigorous nutrient-dense plants.  Our operations are guided by chemical free, bio-intensive, permaculture practices. We are dedicated to sustainably strengthening our community through healthy food accessibility, outreach, and education.

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The Need For Micro Farms in the Front Range:

Colorado’s population is growing and estimated to increase approximately 60% by 2035 and double by 2050 with increases primarily occurring along the Front Range.  Colorado projects a significant future water supply gap, beginning to develop in 2014 and growing to 1,000,00 acre feet by 2050.  The gap will primarily result from municipal and industrial needs.  By 2050, total municipal and industrial water demands are projected to double relative to 2009 demands.  Currently, Denver Water estimates that 48% of it’s retail water is being used by single family homes with the average user using 50% of that water for maintaining their lawns.  Lawns use enormous amounts of water and only produce extra work, i.e. mowing, for the homeowner.  Furthermore, according to the USDA, consumer demand for organically produced goods continues to show double digit growth.  Organic products have shifted from being a lifestyle choice for a small share of consumers to being consumed by a majority of Americans with two thirds of consumers interested in buying local to support local economies.